Today I will be telling you a lot of facts about wetland in NZ I hope you learn something new with all the facts I have wrote in this blob for you .
Wetlands is a place that helps us reduce the impact of flooding because they can absorb a lot of rain water
and realise it .That stops the flooding impact by a lot . But sadly 90 percent of wetlands have been drained
or filled for 150 years .Over 50 percent of NZ fresh water wetlands are on private place in NZ. Their is
even a day for wetlands in NZ in in February 2 Wednesday . worlds wetlands day is a family fun day in
wetlands day we can learn a lot of facts about wetlands and ride fairs and food trucks other fun stuff you
can enjoy . In wetland their is a lot of endangered animals that live in wetlands like ducks birds and some
plants. i hope you learned a lot of things about wetlands .