Today I am going to tell you some facts about Kiwis
Kiwis is a flightless birds that has small wings but it cant fly . Kiwis have loose feathers that are more fur
then they are like Feathers .Kiwi is also the only bird in the world that has nostrils on the end of its beak
that's why this bird cant smells as good as the other birds in that can smell way better . It has marrow in its
bone just like us humans thats why Kiwis is more like a mammal then a bird because of the similarities of a
mammal. Female Kiwis are bigger then male kiwis. Kiwis main food is worms . Kiwi are omnivores which
means they both eat plants and animals . A Kiwi can live for 25 to 50 years in average . A kiwi lays out
really really big egg that is really huge compared to its body size witch cover 20 percent of its body which
is a lot bigger then it should be because a ostriches egg cover only 2 percent of its body . I hope you like
my blog about kiwi facts .