Thursday, December 2, 2021

(Business & Enterprise)

Today I will be tacking about what happend yesterday .

Yesterday  we were suppose to learn about business we made a bath bombs and bath salts they are the same

 thing but bath salt is a power  . our stand was a table that had a poster of what we made it just said buy our

 bath bombs and had a bunch of drawing . the drawing were bombs water bubbles and other things that just

 made our stand better. We made $ 22  by selling our bath bombs . We also had small half bath bombs that

 were only $ 1  it was 1.50 but we clanged it because they were a bit expensive and because their were a lot

 of people that thought they were expensive and also because he had a lot more to sell so we game them a

 big discount I was the product manger .Here is a photo of our stand and us . hope you enjoined this blog ,

Thursday, November 18, 2021


 Today I am going to tell you some facts about Kiwis 

Kiwis is a flightless birds that has small wings but it cant fly . Kiwis have loose feathers that are more fur

 then they are like Feathers .Kiwi is also the only bird in the world that has nostrils on the end of its beak

 that's why this bird cant smells as good as the other birds in that can smell way better . It has marrow in its

 bone just  like us humans thats why  Kiwis is more like a mammal then a bird because of the similarities of a

 mammal. Female Kiwis are bigger then male kiwis. Kiwis main food is worms . Kiwi are omnivores which

 means they both eat plants and animals . A Kiwi can live  for 25 to 50 years in average .  A kiwi lays out

 really really big egg that is really huge compared to its body size witch cover  20 percent of its body which

 is a lot bigger then it should be because a ostriches egg cover only 2 percent of its body  .  I hope you like

 my blog about kiwi facts .

10 best places to see kiwi birds in New Zealand | 100% Pure NZKiwi (bird) - Wikipedia

Friday, November 5, 2021

Long Fin Eeels

Today I will be tacking about a native eel called long-fin eel here are some facts about the long-fin eel.  I chose the long-fin eel from this book if you want to read it  Click here 

New Zealand Longfin Eel | Freshwater Fish | Auckland Zoo

There are 2 native eels in NZ long fin eel and the shortfin eels but I will

be telling you facts about the longfin eel longfin eels .They can live for

35 to 60 years for average but some can live a whopping 100 to more

years if it’s lucky. longfin eel can weigh up to 13 kg . A long fin eels

scientific name is Anguilla dieffenbachii which is a weird name for a

eel.The numbers of Long-fin eels is typical of what is happening to

populations of freshwater eels everywhere . Eel populations are being

less at an fast rate due to habitat loss and over fishing by humans .

That's why they are rare and not much long-fin eels left in the world .

Longfin Eel | The Styx 

Friday, October 29, 2021


Today I will be telling you a lot of facts about wetland in NZ I hope you learn something new with all the facts I have wrote in this blob for you .

Wetlands is a place that helps us reduce the impact of flooding because they can absorb a lot of rain water

 and realise it .That stops the flooding  impact by a lot . But sadly 90 percent of wetlands have been drained

 or filled for 150 years .Over 50 percent of NZ fresh water wetlands are on private place in NZ. Their is

 even a day for wetlands in NZ in in February 2 Wednesday . worlds wetlands day is a family fun day in

 wetlands day we can learn a lot of facts about wetlands and ride fairs and food trucks other fun stuff you

 can enjoy .  In wetland their is a lot of endangered animals that live in wetlands like ducks birds and some 

plants. i hope you learned a lot of things about wetlands .

These Wetlands Helped Stop Flooding From Sandy. Now a BJ's May Move In. -  The New York Times

A Few Things About Wetlands That Might Surprise You - Ocean Conservancy

Friday, September 17, 2021


 Aim to make red cabbage PH indicator for use on different house hold chemicals 

Red cabbage indicator experiment  


1 red cabbage 

2 beaker 

3 bunser burner 

4 pipette 

5 Sodium Hydroxide

6 Hydrochloric acid

7 Test Tubes

8 Paper towel

9 Test tube rack

10 Water


  1. Chop up the red cabbage into small pieces. Place in a beaker and cover with a small amount of water.

  2. Bring the solution to the boil using a bunsen burner and then turn off the heat. Let it sit to cool down.

  3. Pour the cabbage water through a paper towel into a beaker. The dark purple liquid in the jar is the pH indicator liquid.

  4. Suck up the indicator into a pipette.

  5. Use the cabbage indicator to test the acidity of the different household liquids by slowly putting a drop at a time into the test tube.

pH scale — Science Learning Hub

Folk Tale

 This week for reading we read a folk tale about honesty the story was called [ The Empty Pot ]   

a fock tale is a story that has been told for a long long time and it has a morel or a lesson to teach students

 or even adults to be honest or do the right thing  . 

 The Empty Pot  is a fock tale about telling the truth and being honest.The Empty Pot ping has to grow

 a flower to win a contest to become the Emperor of China. When ping got his seed and planed it the

 flower never grew even after a year of watered and planting it in a digger pot it still did not grew when it was time to show the flower every one  had very 

good flowers but Ping brought a empty pot . Ping  told every one his flower did not grow every one 

laffed  but the Emperor said that he won and also that every ones flower was boiled so it could not grow  

 Ping was now the Emperor of China and lived happily ever after 

The Empty Pot by Demi

Thursday, September 16, 2021

  •  Materials 
  • Red litmus paper 
  • Blue litmus paper 
  • Codium hydroxide 
  • Hydrochloride acid 
  • Pipette 
  • 4 Test tubes 

  • Steps 

  • Rip the litmus paper in half and put half in each test tuber . 
  • Add 3 drops of hydrochloric acid to the blur litmus paper in test tube 1 
  • Add 3 drops of hydroric acid to the red limus paper in test tube 2 
  • Add 3 drops of sodium hydroxide to the blue limus paper in test tube 3 
  • Add 3 drops of sodium hydroxide to the red litmus paper in test tube 4 

  • Blue Litmus: no change it is an alkaline.

  • Blue Litmus : changes to red it is an acid.

  • Red Litmus: no change it is an acid.

  • Red litmus: changes to blue it is an alkaline.

Friday, September 10, 2021



1 The hottest thing of the flame is the inner flame 

2 the order of lighting a buns and burner i the match  then turn it on 


safety glasses

 Bunsen burner

 heat mat 


 glaze mat 

what to do in an emergency 

Where is the broken glass put ? 

1 The white bucket .

2 How do you stop all class gas taps ?


Push the read button near the TV that says gas emergency stop .

3 Where is the fire extinguisher ?


In the corner of the class near the door and the fire alarm .

4 When should you wear safety glasses ?

When we are using fire .