Thursday, December 2, 2021

(Business & Enterprise)

Today I will be tacking about what happend yesterday .

Yesterday  we were suppose to learn about business we made a bath bombs and bath salts they are the same

 thing but bath salt is a power  . our stand was a table that had a poster of what we made it just said buy our

 bath bombs and had a bunch of drawing . the drawing were bombs water bubbles and other things that just

 made our stand better. We made $ 22  by selling our bath bombs . We also had small half bath bombs that

 were only $ 1  it was 1.50 but we clanged it because they were a bit expensive and because their were a lot

 of people that thought they were expensive and also because he had a lot more to sell so we game them a

 big discount I was the product manger .Here is a photo of our stand and us . hope you enjoined this blog ,

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